About Me

Hi! I am Erin Van Engen, a pediatric Physical Therapist Assistant and Certified Child Sleep Consultant. I’m married to the love of my life and we have a Maltipoo puppy Ember. We love being outdoors, taking weekend camping trips and all things food! Whenever possible we love travelling and experiencing new places. But just ask my husband, my favorite place to be is at home and sleeping in my own bed. I LOVE sleep!

For as long as I can remember, I have been taking care of babies and kids- babysitting, nannying, and working for a babysitting company. I had families who used sleep training, some who were lucky and had good sleepers, and the ones where bedtime was a struggle. I always wished I had answers for the parents who struggled with getting their children to sleep through the night. As a sleep enthusiast myself, I decided to find answers and when I came across Dana Obleman’s Sleep Sense Program I decided to get certified.


Contact Erin Van Engen today
for your FREE 15-minute consultation!
or send an e-mail to [email protected]


As a pediatric Physical Therapist Assistant, I work mainly with 0-3 years old and some older children as well. In these early years babies are learning and developing so much and so quickly, and sleep is crucial to that. In the older years, sleep is just as important for healthy activity levels, happy attitudes, and appropriate social interaction. Not to mention, when children are not sleeping well, more often than not, it means the parents are not sleeping well either and their fatigue can impact their children. Sleep is important!

Sleepless nights are not just a given, or a right of passage into parenthood and you do not have to just wait and hope your child grows out of it. Right from the start there are ways to teach your baby healthy sleeping habits which they will take with them as they grow to be better sleeping toddlers and older children! Whatever age your child is, let’s get started teaching them independent sleep habits so your whole family can enjoy a well-rested, happy and healthy life!