5 Common Sleep Myths

5 Common Sleep Myths New moms are buried in advice, suggestions, and information from the moment they find out they are pregnant. This comes from all areas: caring family members, to strangers on the street, to the internet. This is all given with the best intentions, but it is overwhelming nonetheless. How often don’t you…

Why Does Baby Wake?

Why Does Baby Wake? That right there might be the single most common question new parents ask. Is it a developmental milestone? A regression? Are they getting too much sleep during the day, or not enough? Maybe they are just hungry. Maybe they are too hot, or too cold. Well, the truth is, it could…

What if Baby Gets Sick?

What if Baby Gets Sick? One of the most aggravating situations I see parents running into when they are sleep training is the sudden onset of a minor illness when they are finally seeing some progress. After months of sleep issues, they decide to take the initiative and get serious about getting their baby onto…

Sleep Training and Daycare

Sleep Training and Daycare One of the biggest obstacles parents face is what do when they send their little ones to daycare. Whether you have already gotten your baby on a carefully planned nap schedule or you are planning on starting one, a problem obviously arises if your daycare provider does not follow that same…