Switching to a Big Kid Bed

Switching to a Big Kid Bed One of the most common questions I get asked as a child sleep consultant is, “When should we move him into a big kid bed?” My favorite answer to this is, “Later,” and there are a couple of reasons why I say that. Number one is because there are…


Preventing Overtiredness

Preventing Overtiredness If there is one thing that could be considered the arch-enemy of sleep training that can send your child’s sleep off the rails, it is, without a doubt, the dreaded condition of overtiredness. Kids, as with all people, have a natural rhythm when it comes to sleep. Our bodies secrete hormones to keep…


Toddlers and Their Stalling Tactics

Toddlers and Their Stalling Tactics Toddlers are fascinating creatures, aren’t they? Watching them develop into thinking, creative little people is such a fun time, and one that parents often wish would last a little longer. Of course, they usually wish that after baby has grown out of the toddler stage, because along with that creativity…


Creating the Perfect Nursery

Creating the Perfect Nursery When you first got pregnant, how long did it take before you started visualizing what your baby’s nursery was going to look like? Go ahead. I won’t judge. Because for most women, it can be only about an hour and a half. Or sometimes, it is already planned before there is…
